Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Samsung Tv CS21B500HL dead


Samsung tv when we try to turn it on at all no visible signs of life, look no indicator light turns on.

Samsung TV models:

What causes it? we immediately investigate.

Initial step we begin by examining horizontal transistors, usually if this happens then the tv section shot will be off-total. The easiest way is to let go of a horizontal transistors mainboard and after we do the measurement with multitester, the results we get are negative. Transistor negative meaning is still in good condition, not damaged alias. Next we do the measurement is still in the area where there is a horizontal 2 diode recovery and we do measurements to see if the diode is still in good condition or not.

Our results are positive, the diode in the condition we immediately shot and do the replacement, the diode type is RGV30 and instead we use the type RU4 mainboard while in a position we can in the picture below:

The next step we did back measurement is still in the area where the horizontal section and this time setting the horizontal width of the size, here using a mosfet transistor with type p5n20 models and the results we get the transistor is in the condition of shot / surge and we do the replacement with type p6n6o, because 've caught all the components that we are now damaged pair back horizontal transistors.

After completion of all now we are trying to turn the samsung tv and the result is thank God everything is back to normal, samsung tv is working as usual. Display image on the screen looks normal and is also the voice function under normal conditions, completion of repairs we've done for this samsung tv.

p6n60 transistor position in the mainboard: